
Sherlock Holmes - Vulcan Calligraphy


The Patam (head) you see below in red and on this translation is one I created myself as a signature for my work. It is in no way official/canon. I would, of course, be deeply honored if you used my work with my Patam (as long as you don’t claim it as your own) but I thought an explanation was in order. Consider this fair warning.

In case you would rather use the generic Patam, as found in, use the one in black.

Thank you!/Itaren

Dif-tor heh smusma.

For more detailed information you can visit


  1. Wonderful work, all of them. Do you have other sites or take requests? Looking to use our Ni'varian names on wedding bands, plus the sentence "Psi'Ontic of Ni'var".
    ψ-λ or PsiOntic of Ni'var (Brian)
    φ-λ or PhiOntic of Ni'var (Janet)
    ξ-λ or XiOntic of Ni'var (Lexi)

    ψ-λ of Ni'var is a good representation of my internal duality as having a passion for logic, understanding, diversity, and balance.

    The ψ-λ (Psi-Ontic) quantum state ψ describes a Vulcan view that physical reality exists, not a mere observers’ knowledge (ψ-epistemic).

    1. Hello, due to time limits I only accept commissions at the moment. Sorry.
      Your request is quite interesting, though I'm not sure it's something I could translate. If you have further questions please contact me on Twitter or Pinterest. Thank you!
